Software Download
Software is free to download, install and run in DEMO mode . In order to get software fully functional user must first run it in DEMO mode, email us Hardware ID displayed on initial screen of running program , purchase and receive License key string required to unlock WORK mode of the program.
In addition to our own commercial software you can find here some links to download related popular software which makes our products easy to integrate and use in existing system onboard.
Gyrocompass Course Graph Recorder & Simulator & Navigation Data Repeater
( DOSBox-X)
Temperature Graph Recorder & Navigation Data Repeater (DOSBox-X)
Depth Graph Recorder & Navigation Data Repeater (DOSBox-X)
Navigation Data Repeater (DOSBox-X)
DOSBox-X Win64
Virtual machine to run DOS applications in OS Windows
COMTEST Win32, Win64
Service application to test serial ports
Virtual Serial Port Emulator Win64
Creates virtual serial ports